New Smart Chip Can Wirelessly Transfer Brain Signals

This innovative chip is developed by scientists based in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore. This chip permits the wireless transmission of brain data wirelessly with better accuracy. Assistant Professor from NTU said that the team who did this research have successfully tested this chip on data recorded from animals.

The scientists also claimed that it could solve the brain’s signal to the hand and fingers with accuracy of 95%.

Basu further said “It is about a hundred times more efficient than current processing chips on the market.

“It will lead to more compact medical wearable devices, such as portable ECG monitoring devices and neural implants, since we no longer need large batteries to power them,”.

In order to get high accuracy in understanding brain signals, implants need thousands of channels of raw data. Also, to transmit this large amount of data, more power is required, which means that it either needs bigger batteries or charging it often.

Basu also tested to minimize the amount of data that needs to be transmitted rather than enlarging the power source required for the transmission of raw data.

This smart chip is designed in such a way that it will be more power efficient and will solve thousands of signals from the neural implants in the brain before compressing the results and redirecting it wirelessly to small external receiver.

This smart chip is developed to inspect data patterns and detect any abnormal or unusual patterns.

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