5G Will Be 100 Times Faster Than LTE, says AT&T

AT&T and Verizon will be the first telecom operators to provide 5G service, when this technology will be rolled out in United States. AT&T will begin field trials for 5G Technology in Austin, Texas.

In a blog post, AT&T mentioned that they are planning to collaborate with Ericsson and Intel to work on 5G Solutions in labs this year. See the official statement by AT&T :

We plan to collaborate with Ericsson and Intel to work on 5G solutions in our labs starting in the second quarter of this year, with outdoor tests and trials over the summer. And, we expect field trials of 5G technologies to provide wireless connectivity to fixed locations in Austin before the end of this year. The trials will help guide our 5G standards contributions, and set the stage for widespread commercial and mobile availability once technology standards for 5G are established
The next Wireless Data technology to provide speeds 100 times faster than the present 4G LTE’s service will be 5G Technology which will be use technologies like Millimeter Waves, Network function NFV abbreviated as (Network function virtualization) and software defined networking (SDN).

AT&T claimed that users will see speeds in gigabits per second not megabits. Users will be able to download a TV Show in less than 3 second.

“For reference, at one gigabit per second, you can download a TV show in less than 3 seconds. Customers will also see much lower latency with 5G. Latency, for example, is how long it takes after you press play on a video app for the video to start streaming on your device. We expect 5G latency in the range of 1 to 5 milliseconds.”

Numerous companies are working on 5G Technology. AT&T may roll out 5G technology this year. We hope that you loved this article, feel free to share this with your friends.


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