The so called “Cyber Caliphate” which is Daesh’s Hacking Group posted on app “Telegram” which is often used by ISIS’s Followers that they will hack Google on Monday. Reports claimed that the Cyber Caliphate had posted “Keep the promise inshallah (God willing), expect us today,”.

The dreaded hacker’s were gearing to hack Google but they hacked a false Google with URL as which is owned by a person namely Gandani hailing from India. The site displayed the Logo of the Hacking Group, song of ISIS in French, along with the message “Hacked By: CCA”.

The Hacking Group published a list of 35 British Websites along with Google on Telegram which were hacked by ISIS as per their statement. The terror group said that it had targeted “small business” websites in revenge of killing its British Member who was reportedly killed during US Airstrikes last year.

Vocativ stated that the sites hacked by Cyber Caliphate included site  of a salon, an instructor who offers Japanese dance classes and businesses selling bedroom furniture and laminate flooring.

Recently, Cyber Caliphate threatened the CEO’s of the social media giants, Facebook and Twitter of dire consequences because the duo are suspending the accounts their members or their Sympathizers. The dreaded terror outfit also released a video, in which they threatened CEO’s of Facebook and Twitter for suspending their social media accounts. Facebook said that there is “no place for terrorists on Facebook”. Twitter suspended 125,000 accounts for posting terror content and most these suspended accounts were linked to dreaded terror outfit ISIS (Daesh).

Previously, the dreaded terror outfit achieved success, when the Cyber Caliphate claimed to have hacked the Twitter Account of the United States Central Command.



My name is Dave, Am a cool IT Geek, computer analyst and a tutor. I do alot of computer stuffs like programming, web development, blogging, data administrator, computer security and lots more. Feel free to contact me if want more informations and tutorials.

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