Before you begin:

Before you begin, it's important that you know Windows or Unix. A working knowledge of Windows or Unix makes it much easier to learn HTML.
You should be familiar with:

  • Basic word processing using any text editor.
  • How to create directories and files.
  • How to navigate through different directories.
  • Basic understaning on internet browsing using a browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox etc.

Introducing HTML:

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most widely used language to write Web Pages. As its name suggests, HTML is a markup language.
  • Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are linked together. When you click a link in a Web page, you are using hypertext.
  • Markup Language describes how HTML works. With a markup language, you simply "mark up" a text document with tags that tell a Web browser how to structure it to display.
Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers.
All you need to do to use HTML is to learn what type of markup to use to get the results you want.

Creating HTML Document:

Creating an HTML document is easy. To begin coding HTML you need only two things: a simple-text editor and a web browser. Notepad is the most basic of simple-text editors and you will probably code a fair amount of HTML with it.

  • Open Notepad or another text editor.
  • At the top of the page type .
  • On the next line, indent five spaces and now add the opening header tag: .
  • On the next line, indent ten spaces and type .
  • Go to the next line, indent five spaces from the margin and insert the closing header tag:
  • Five spaces in from the margin on the next line, type.
  • Now drop down another line and type the closing tag right below its mate:
  • .
  • Finally, go to the next line and type
  • .
  • In the File menu, choose Save As.
  • In the Save as Type option box, choose All Files.
  • Name the file template.htm.
  • Click Save. 
  • Axact


    My name is Dave, Am a cool IT Geek, computer analyst and a tutor. I do alot of computer stuffs like programming, web development, blogging, data administrator, computer security and lots more. Feel free to contact me if want more informations and tutorials.

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